Products   CLIF  

System for Classification of Impurities in Fibres CLIF


With CLIF, Textechno has developed a system for counting and classifying neps, seed coat neps, trash and yarn pieces contained in fibre materials. The fibres are opened on MDTA 4 and the resulting sliver and the separated trash are analyzed by CLIF.

The system is suited for various kinds of materials including mechanically recycled fibres.

Among other things, CLIF determines the following quantities:

Neps Number of neps per gram fibre material
Mean nep size The mean nep diameter as well as the nep size distrib
Yarns Number of yarns pieces per gram fibre material, particularly interesting for mechanically recycled fibres
Mean yarn length The mean length of the yarn pieces
yarn area Sum of the area of all yarns pieces
Trash Number of trash particles (non-lint) per gram fibre material
SCN Number of seed coat neps per gram fibre material

Moreover, CLIF divides the detected neps into the following three classes:

  • 0.5 – 0.7 mm
  • 0.7 – 1.0 mm
  • > 1.0 mm

The CLIF system includes a transmitted light scanner, a high-performance PC with GPU and the CLIF software.

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CLIF system

Components of the CLIF system


CLIF software

Results of the CLIF system



Application fields for CLIF

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