Products   COVAMAT S and COVATEST+  

Capacitive Evenness and Hairiness Tester for Spun Yarns, Rovings and Slivers


Testing of evenness and determination of imperfections are essential for staple fibre spinning mills to control the quality of the slivers, rovings, and yarns during the complete spinning process. A spectrogram analysis of the mass distribution over the sample length gives important information to optimize the carding-, drawing-, combing- and spinning process.

Textechno’s innovative one-slot capacitive evenness sensor design for yarns allows for the measurement of all above-mentioned parameters at high testing speeds. In combination with the yarn Hairiness module (including total hairiness, yarn diameter, and hair length classification) COVAMAT S and COVATEST+ are perfect instruments for effective quality control and quality assurance.

COVAMAT S features a 24 position package changer whereas COVATEST+ is the manual version.

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capacitive evenness and hairiness tester COVAMAT S




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