Dr. U. Mörschel, A. Paschen, Dr. W. Stein Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchengladbach/Germany In a preceding publication the testing instrument Dynafil ME by Textechno was presented as a flexible, versatile and sensitive measurement tool for the analysis of yarn properties in the field of BCF yarns. The most important quality problems of BCF yarns – differences in crimp and shrinkage properties leading to uneveness of the carpet both with regard to yarn bulk and dyability (for Polyamid yarns) – apply in the same way to DTY and the manufactured fabric. The Dynafil ME has – due to a number of outstanding features – proved to be extremely effective in dynamic testing of drawn textured yarn (DTY), since it can determine reliable values for shrinkage and crimp properties in continuous testing and – in many cases – replace knitting and dying which is still the most common way of testing to identify faulty yarn packages. The versatility and usefulness of the tester is greatly extended by additional modules for the measurement of friction, entanglement, broken filaments, linear density and capacitive evenness. This paper gives a detailed example demonstrating the application of the Dynafil ME for testing DTY.
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