This is a list of Textechno’s pulished articles in various forums. If you would like to read the full text of any article, please contact Textechno via the Contact form.
Measurement of interfacial shear strength by means of micromechanical single-fibre pull-out tests
S. Fliescher, M. Khalid, E. Ingelsberger – Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG
A. Drieling – Faserinstitut Bremen e. V.
B. Leitner, J. Faustmann, F. Manis – Fraunhofer IGCV
S. Sauze, M. Mahmoudi, F. Goetmann – Extracthive SAS
Proceedings of the SAMPE Europe Conference 2024, 24th – 26th September 2024, Belfast
Full article:
Interfacial shear strength (IFSS) is one of the key parameters in composite technology. To characterize it, most commonly composites with unidirectionally aligned fibres are manufactured: A transverse tensile test or a short beam shear strength test is then performed to measure the apparent interlaminary shear strength (ILSS). However, the maximum stress found in such macromechanical tests is also governed by various additional factors coming from the preparation of the test samples.
Here, the single-fibre pull-out (as implemented in Textechno’s FIMATEST System) test has several advantages. By involving only single fibres in the test, most dependencies on the manufacturing process of the test specimen are avoided. The single-fibre pull-out test not only determines the apparent, but for instance also the local interfacial shear strength, which is essential for applications with cyclic load. Fast and effective micromechanical testing of the interfacial shear strength has recently been standardized as DIN SPEC 19289.
This paper describes the pull-out test in general and shows results for the interfacial shear strength of common thermoset matrix materials to carbon and glass fibres. In addition, the paper gives an example for the application of the SFPO test for the characterization of recycled carbon fibres, coming from a solvolysis process.
Project Infinity: High-performance tapes made from recycled carbon fibers for lightweight construction – CO2 reduction through recycling processes and materials
Niels Ellermann, Johannes Guth, Jan Stienemann, Miriam Preinfalck, Stephan Baz,
Julian Theiss, Dr.-Ing. Frank Manis, Kerstin Angerer, Dr. Stefan Fliescher und Stefan Sterol
Abfall und Müll – Fachzeitschrift für Kreislauf- und Ressourcenwirtschaft, 10/24
The Infinity project aimed to make the use of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP) in lightweight construction more sustainable through efficient and fiber-friendly recycling of carbon fibers from CFRP and further processing the fibers into a high-performance, highly oriented rCF tape. The quality of the tape could be evaluated and improved in comparison to virgin material with the help of a new type of testing device TAPETEST, which was developed by Textechno as part of the project. Read the full article in “Abfall und Müll” (english and german).
Standardizing the Single-Fibre Pull-Out Test for Fibre-Matrix Adhesion Characterization: Method and Insights
B. Leitner, F. Manis, S. Özcelik – Fraunhofer IGCV
C. Poitzsch, M. Khalid, E. Ingelsberger, S. Fliescher – Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG
A. Drieling, P. Hartwig, E. Dederer – Faserinstitut Bremen e. V.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Thermoplastic Composites, ITHEC 2022.
The standardization of the micromechanical single-fibre pull-out test is urgently requested by the industry. The corresponding DIN SPEC 19289 “Fibre-reinforced Composites – Measurement of Interfacial Shear Strength by means of a Micromechanical Single-Fibre Pull-Out Test” was recently published within the scope of the publicly funded WIPANO project “WiPull”, which was conducted between the partners Fraunhofer IGCV, Faserinstitut Bremen and Textechno. This project also included testing of the most relevant thermoplastic matrices like PA6, PP, PEEK and PC in combination with carbon fibres, recycled carbon fibres, glass, and natural fibres. This paper includes key findings of the WiPull project including the impact of tempering, ageing, degradation, and temperature profiles on the measured fibre-matrix adhesion strength. Furthermore, results of the round robin trials are shown and discussed.
Find the full article here:
Investigation of interfacial strength parameters in polymer matrix composites: Compatibility and reproducibility
Effects of various geometrical and physical factors, as well as the method of data reduction (analysis of experimental force–displacement curves) on the values of local interfacial strength parameters (local IFSS, τd, and critical energy release rate, Gic) determined by means of a single fiber pull-out test are discussed.
Serge Zhandarov, Edith Mäder, Christina Scheffler, Gerhard Kalinka, Claudia Poitzsch, Stefan Fliescher
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research, Volume 1, Issue 1,2018, Pages 82-92
FIMATEST – A New Testing System to Determine the Fibre-Matrix Adhesion Strength by Means of Pull-Out Tests
Edith Mäder, Christina Scheffler, Andrea Miene, Stefan Fliescher, Ulrich Mörschel, Claudia Poitzsch
Proceedings of 56th Dornbirn-MFC (2017)
Textechno has a focus on the development of instruments for the characterization of the physical properties of reinforcement fibers, rovings and the fibre-matrix adhesion. We discuss in detail the measurement of the fibre-matrix adhesion strength by means of the FIMATEST system which has been developed together two research institutes, the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung (IPF) in Dresden and the Faserinstitut Bremen (FIBRE). Read more
Measurement and Analysis of Drapeability Effects of Warp-Knit NCF with a Standardised, Automated Testing Device
Christ, M., Miene, A. & Mörschel, U. Appl Compos Mater (2017) 24: 803.
To Characterise the drapeability of reinforcement fabrics, is one of the most sought after abilities of those designing composite processes and components. Read more
FIMATEST – Quality Assessment of Composites
JEC Composites Magazine No. 102, 2016, 49-51
The glass and carbon fibre industry continues to grow rapidly and into many new applications. A key quality characteristic of composite materials is the bond strength between fibre and matrix. This article describes the different mechanisms, as well as future testing solutions to ensure that a constant quality can be measured and achieved.
DIN SPEC 8100 – New Standard for the Composite Industry
The DIN SPEC 8100 “Automated drapability testing for woven and non-crimp fabrics used in continuous fiber reinforced plastics” was developped and implemented by Textechno in cooperation with DIN, as well as SAERTEX, the Bremen Fibre Institute (FIBRE), Groz-Beckert KG and FTA Albstadt. Read about its making-of that has been highlighted by DIN as practical example.
New European Standard for Crimp- and Shrinkage Tests
The new European standard EN 14621 partially replaces the German standards DIN 53840 and DIN 53866, and contains crimp contraction- and shrinkage tests on multifilament yarns. Measurements according to the new standard can be automated by means of the automatic crimp- and shrinkage tester TEXTURMAT ME+.
BCF yarn testing with DYNAFIL ME
Chemical Fibers International, Vol. 53, June 2003 Dr. Ulrich Mörschel, Ansgar Paschen, Dr. Wolfgang Stein Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchengladbach/Germany Read more
New universal filament yarn tester
Chemical Fibers International 2003 Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchengladbach/Germany Read more
New testing equipment for short fibres
IIBCC 2010, Aarlborg
Dr. Ulrich Mörschel, Erich Ingelsberger
Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG,
Read more
Optimierte Garnauswahl in der Weberei durch Einsatz moderner Prüftechnik
Webereikolloquium Denkendorf 2008 Dr. U. Mörschel Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchengladbach/Germany Read more
Testing of Carbon Fibers
The importance of carbon fibers as a reinforcement material in energy-saving lightweight composites is well accepted. Fast and reliable, i.e. automated, linear-density- and tensile testing of carbon fibers thus becomes increasingly important. Due to the special properties of carbon fibers an automatic handling of individual filaments has been considered to be problematic. TEXTECHNO in Mönchengladbach realizes an automated test of linear-density- and tensile properties on such carbon filaments in their automatic fiber test system FAVIMAT+ with ROBOT 2.
Read moreDynamic Testing on Drawn Textured Yarns (DTY) with Dynafil ME
Dr. U. Mörschel, A. Paschen, Dr. W. Stein Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchengladbach/Germany Read more
Automatic linear-density and tensile testing on carbon fibers
Automatic single-fiber linear-density and tensile tests on up to 500 individual carbon fibers are possible with the FAVIMAT-ROBOT 2 and FAVIMAT-AIROBOT 2 of Textechno. These carbon fiber testing techniques are described in this article.
Chemical Fibers International 4/2008 Dr. Ulrich Mörschel, Christine Faymonville, Erich Ingelsberger Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchengladbach/Germany
Automatic linear-density and tensile testing on carbon fibers
Chemical Fibers International 4/2008
Dr. Ulrich Mörschel, Christine Faymonville, Erich Ingelsberger
Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG,
Automatic single-fiber linear-density and tensile tests on up to 500 individual carbon fibers are possible with the Favimat-Robot 2 and Favimat-Airobot 2 of Textechno, which are described in this article.